第20章 [兄弟战争]牵绊

作者: 幽花曼丝

  ζޓއއއIn a luxurious villa in britain。(在英国的一栋豪华的别墅里。)

  ”Demon, I wanted to get back home, and you?”said the Amanda。(“凝蕊,我想回国了,你呢?”幻蝶说。)

  ”Favour。”Demon lights say。(“恩。”凝蕊淡淡的说。)

  ”In that case, then I make a phone call to kaof Yin!”Amanda smiles and stare to bu** say, vision is all excited。(“既然这样,那么我就打电话给隐咯!”幻蝶微笑着说,眼里全是兴奋。)

  ”Favour。”Demon is still so grim sound。(“恩。”凝蕊依旧是那么冷酷的声音。)

  ”Happily, that is good!”Amanda's side is said, side takes the word of telectrification。(“呵呵,那好呀!”幻蝶边说,边拿起电话。)

  “Does feed?”telephone that sound of Yin come。(“喂?”电话那头传来隐的声音。)

  ”Yin, it is me! I wanted to get back home with Demon。” Amanda glad say,”by time, you get ready villa and car to us~”(“隐,是我呀!我和凝蕊要回国了!”幻蝶高兴的说,“到时候,给我们准备好别墅和车哟~”)

  ”What?!”some prmeise in the tone of Yin excited,”you were saying, did Demon need back?”(“什么?!”隐的语气中有些许的兴奋,“你是说,凝蕊要回来了吗?”)

  ”Is! I am as well!” Amanda dissatisfied say,”you only know Demon all day long, all don't asks I about is!”(“是呀!还有我呢!......


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