第45章 终幕旭来

作者: 蒙德癸未


  “Amy, I know, love is something odd cloud one's eyes, it can make you lose your head, I just had the self-mutilation. But when you calm down, you will regret all crazy behavior you do it. Let go, before also did not cause too much damage, just let it go.(Amy,我知道,爱情是能蒙蔽一个人的双眼的奇怪的东西,它能让你失去理智,就像当初我的自残。但是当你冷静下来,你就会后悔你当初所做的一切疯狂的行为。放手吧,在还没有造成太大的损失之前,放手吧。)”我慢悠悠的靠近Amy,其实我不是太敢靠她太近,我害怕她一个冲动起来会做出一些让人难以接受的事情。

  “You're just doing? Tell me some truth in life? If so, please you go back, you are not welcome here, I don't know you is it right? Is there really such a painful experience, I don't know and don't want to know the story behind the scar. Everything you say is true, but I have no way and one of my rival in love make friends, I can't do that.(你只是在干什么?是告诉我一些做人的道理吗?假如真的是这样的话,就请你回去吧,我这里不欢迎你,我不知道你是不是真的有这样惨痛的经历,我不知道也不想知道那条疤痕背后的故事。或许你说的一切都是真的,但是我没有办法和一个我的情敌做朋友,我做不到。)”她异常的冷静让我觉得稀奇,不过……这不......


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